Ms. Kellyanne Conway is the ideological terminator on the Trump Team.


Kellyanne Conway clashed with Hillary Clinton’s campaign communications directors Jennifer Palmieri, Robby Mook and other Clinton insiders who attacked Conway for  providing a “platform for white supremacists,” and proclaimed that they would “rather lose than win the way” Trump did.

Rightfully, Conway eviscerated them immediately. She denied the absurd accusation that the Trump campaign had racist, xenophobic or misogynist overtones. Conway and Levandowski made a case that Trump won by appealing to issues that mattered to the American people while Clinton concentrated on discrediting Trump and negative campaigning.

“There’s a difference to voters between what offends you and what affects you. And they were being told constantly, ‘Stare at this, care about this, make this the deal-breaker once and for all.’ And they were told that five or six times a week about different things. And yet they went, they voted the way voters have always voted: on things that affect them, not just things that offend them.” Kellyanne Conway

Even when a Clinton pollster acknowledged that Trump won. “Listen, you guys won,” said  Joel Benenson. “That’s clear. You won the Electoral College. Let’s also be honest. Don’t act as if you have some popular mandate for your message” implying that Clinton being ahead in popular vote has any bearing on the fact that the republicans control the House, the Senate and the White House. Conway dismissed these attempts at deflections by giving the democrats some good advice. The entire party appears to be in some sort of mass denial about the exact cause of the of the democrat defeats.

The Democrats arent sure who exactly is responsible for their defeat but a wide range of suspects were blamed starting with, FBI Director James Comey for publicizing the email issue in the final days of the campaign related to the email server controversy. There was also the matter of the possibly “Russian-linked” hacking of the Democratic National Committee and campaign chairman John Podesta’s personal emails from his gmail account which was publicized by Wikileaks. The “Fake News” on Facebook and prevalence of third party media outlets.

Three major conclusions are worth considering:

  1. The Democrats are in disarray. They did not anticipate nor do they understand this defeat. The shell shock will not last forever. Now is the time to aggressively promote conservative policy on topics such as immigration, the economy, foreign policy and education.
  2. There is a real opportunity here to destroy the Washington insiders, but this will only work if Trump is able to achieve his promises and roll back the devastation caused by 8 years of democrat rule. In order to achieve the promises deals and sacrifices will have to be made. Negotiations means that everyone has to give up something in order to achieve results. However, the American people will not accept a betrayal on immigration, justice or the economy. There will be a vengeance in 2020 if Trump breaks his word to the people.
  3. We must distinguish real criticism of Trump, and the mistakes that he makes from angry anti-Trumpers who view his success as a personal failure.  The reason it is important to listen to criticism is because no one is perfect and the only way we can avoid the folly of the Democrats is to be critical of Trump and skeptical of his policy because without such criticisms we too will be blind in 2020. In order to identify our flaws, we can not be blinded by loyalty.

Clinton vs. Petraeus is like Apples vs. Chihuahuas


The Hillary Clinton controversy occurred against the backdrop of Clinton’s 2016 presidential election campaign and hearings held by the House Select Committee on Benghazi. Clinton and her staff had exclusively used personal email accounts on a non-government, privately maintained server rather than using accounts maintained on federal government servers while conducting official business during her tenure as secretary of state while Clinton maintains she was honest in her interview with the FBI, she had made untruthful public statements with respect to her handling of classified information in form of classified materials that she and her staff often removed from secured government servers onto private email accounts.

Petraeus is a former four-star general who was forced to resign as CIA director in 2012 amid a criminal investigation. He faced potential felony charges and imprisonment after the FBI discovered he had provided classified information(personal notebook that contained some classified information, namely his schedule) to Broadwell(his mistress, who was working on his biography, See, and lied to the FBI about it.  General Petraus had to resign from the CIA as a result of the scandal.

The issue arises today because Petraeus is one of the people on a short list for the position of secretary of state. Clinton was attacked during the campaign for her mishandling of classified information by Donald J Trump, who is our President elect.

I think maybe she will [be indicted], but I think if she isn’t indicted, the only reason is because the Democrats are protecting her. She is being protected 100 percent. Because you look at General Petraeus, you look at all the other people that did a fraction of what she did. … But she has much worse judgment than he had, and she’s getting away with it. It’s unfair to him.”

–Donald Trump, MSNBC forum, Feb. 17, 2016

Many left leaning news outlets are crying hypocrisy. They argue that because Trump took such a procrustean position with reference to Clinton’s mishandling of classified information, he should not appoint a secretary of state who also faced such criticisms.

At first blush, this criticism seems to make sense. Trump’s stance on the importance of safeguarding the nation’s secrets during the campaign created a popular chant “Lock her up.” However, the two cases are easily distinguishable.

While it is true that Petraeus gave a notebook containing his schedule to his biographer/mistress, it was a one time lapse of judgement event. He initially concealed the events surrounding his relationship with a married woman he was having an affair with, understandable. Petraeus came clean, apologized and resigned. Same can not be said of Clinton.

Clinton created a private network, presumably to avoid anyone in the government from reviewing her emails. Another words, a long lasting scheme to conceal otherwise illicit activity. After she completed her work as secretary of state, she decided to hand some emails over and ordered her staff to destroy others. As a result of various hacks and leaks, some of her emails have been recovered. Clinton mislead the public in her public comments and was not terribly forthcoming the FBI. She concealed and lied time and time again about the information in her emails and attempt to influence the FBI to change classification on emails to avoid prosecution. Her cooperation with the FBI involved large lapses in memory to direct questioning, and feigning ignorance when confronted with serious evidence of a cover up. Just prior to the FBI concluding that Clinton should not be prosecuted, Bill Clinton met privately with the AG Lynch on her plane in an unprecedent event, where the AG and the former president had a 45 minute convesation about “grand children and golf.” Even assuming this played no role in the AG’s decision, were Clinton not running for president, many believe she would have been charged with serious crimes. In the end the investigation did not lead to a criminal prosecution although five of her aids received immunity.

Rewind to the present.

It seems that Petraeus is on a short list for Sec of State with Romney, and Giuliani. Assuming that Romney is too hated by Trump’s base of support and Giuliani lacks foreign policy credentials, Petraeus seems to have an opening to get the job. The question pundits are discussing today is whether a one time lapse in judgement by Petraeus should disqualify him from the post.

Trump doesn’t consider Petraeus’s act of hiding a personal indiscretion to be the same as the vast conspiracy by Clinton.

“Other lives, including Gen. Petraeus and many others, have been destroyed for doing far, far less,” Trump said at a rally in October of Clinton’s email troubles.

Tomorrow Trump meets Romney, hopefully to tell him thanks but no thanks.

Romney should not be Trump’s Secretary of State #NeverRomney

First thing a leader needs is people who believe in them. Romney is arguably the most notable NeverTrumper. Romney did not simply attack Trump’s policies, he attacked the character of the man.

“I am far from the first to conclude that Donald Trump lacks the temperament of be president.” Mitt Romney

“Donald Trump’s personal qualities, the bullying, the greed, the showing off, the misogyny, the absurd third grade theatrics. We have long referred to him as “The Donald.” He is the only person in America to whom we have added an article before his name. It wasn’t because he had attributes we admired.” Mitt Romney

Maybe if he apologized, then Trump would consider him?


Romney doesn’t merely disagree with Trump’s personality quirks. Romney believes that the POTUS elect is ignorant and that an implementation of Trumps policies would rob Americans of their bright future.

“Donald Trump tells us that he is very, very smart. I’m afraid that when it comes to foreign policy he is very, very not smart.” Mitt Romney

Romney believes that Trump’s foreign policy ideas such as making peace with Russia in order to defeat ISIS in Syria are ravings of a mad lunatic. Romney wants to continue the world police role for the United States because he views the United States because of his rigid preconceived image of our role in the world, guaranteeing security to the world even if it bankrupts the U.S.

“Let me put it plainly, if we Republicans choose Donald Trump as our nominee, the prospects for a safe and prosperous future are greatly diminished.” Mitt Romney

A Secretary of State is suppose to effectuate the Trump foreign policy the American people elected. In this case, Romney has a totally different vision in this country from Trump, and could not possibly do the job while remaining true to his own principles.

“Frankly, the only serious policy proposals that deal with the broad range of national challenges we confront, come today from Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and John Kasich.” Mitt Romney

Romney represents the failed choices of the republican party. A failed presidential candidate who was rejected by the electorate over the last 8 years until Trump came along and proposed a foreign policy based on American interest, not assuring security of Saudi Arabia, Syria and Ukraine. The people are tired of the outdated Romney world view.

“If Donald Trump’s plans were ever implemented, the country would sink into a prolonged recession.” Mitt Romney

Every prediction the NeverTrumpers made to date failed to materialize. There is no reason to take them at their word now.

Dear President Trump, pick somebody for Secretary of state who represents what your promised to the people, like this guy:

Rand Paul


Tulsi Gabbard

Steve Bannon is not a racist


Original Article:

This article is offensive and ignorant on so many levels. First, the writer is a despicable piece of trash for lying about a good man like Steve Bannon. When people look into allegations against Bannon, the find fluff, stuff like his ex-wife said he doesnt want his kids to go to school with jews, which he denies saying. For a conservative to be accused of being racist he only need some group somewhere that is antisemitic to post frogs or likes on his facebook page. I don’t care about any of those trivial things because racism is a serious accusation. To compare someone to the monsters like the nazis shouldnt be done lightly, or hyperbolically. People are really scared.

If you want to know what Steve Bannon actually thinks about the world:

Here is what is relevant from my point of view, as an American. Steve Bannon is not a racist, or a sexist, or a whatever ridiculous “ist” the left wants to label him with. Labeling people as means to discredit them and their ideas is a well know and overused tactic of the radical left. The idea that American values  and American culture is worth celebrating is not a racist notion. No amount of fake controversy should make Trump change his mind about Bannon, its why we voted for him, his unwillingness to step away from what is obviously right no matter how many democrats he offended.

With respect to the State of Israel, despite their public comments, Obama and Netanyahu hate each other. I would like to see a Trump administration work it out with Israel as oppose to someone the writer might support who probably donates to Hamas. Trump has a far better relationship with the world Jews than the left ever did. Whats really happening here is this. It use to be that NY Jews voted 75% democrat and with this election 95% voted for Clinton. Therefore, in the minds of some disturbed people, opposing democrats has become synonymous with antisemitism. This is not so. The people the left treats as victims and the narrative that it would propose would be opposed by 90% of the Israeli populace. Do not believe their lies. Here is why there us no choice for Israel but Right.

Keith Ellison’s ascent signals the Democrats’ willingness to redefine ‘pro-Israel’

You have to give people a chance

Two weeks ago, Donald J Trump upset the expectations of the establishment and became the president elect of the United States. The Hillary supporter’s aren’t taking this well. There are protests in the streets, the hystericals want us to repeal the Electoral College and even Facebook is taking some blame with allegations of fake news being responsible for Hillary’s defeat. Theories to explain why Hillary lost range widely from last minute conspiracy by the F.B.I. to poor polling techniques that failed to accurately measure Trump support. For the next 20 years books will be written and liberals will make documentaries trying to explain what exactly happened in 2016.

Whatever the reasons responsible for Trump’s victory, positive media coverage was not part of the problem. NYT, WaPo, HuffPo and every other news paper came out in support of Hillary. Celebrity after celebrity swore to leave the country if Trump won the election. Trump didn’t care one bit of course. He knew that his message was rooted in the concerns of every day Americans who would not be swayed by the needs of the elite. Some of the republicans own hard liners formed nevertrump movements and shouted all over the radio that the man who said “they let you grab them by the pussy” will never be President of the United States. November 9th proved they all equally misjudged Trump and the American people.

For two weeks the people have been watching as sycophant after sycophant apologize to trump for their treasonous rebellion, none so more notable than that cowardly traitor Romney. I hope Trump only called him into a meeting to tell him that he is giving the position of Sec of State to Tulsi Gabbard, creating a bipartisan administration that doesn’t want WW3 or engage in influence auctions.

The hysterical never-trumpers are also up in arms because Trump said that he isn’t going to go after Clinton, by hiring a special prosecutor. From my point of view, seeing Clinton in an orange pantsuit would certainly bring a smile to my face, but our nation is faced with more important problems, and Trump is wise to recognize that. Locking Clintons  up in prison would just put them back on the public dime. Let those people out into the wild so we dont have to look at them or pay for them. Also before you anti-trumpers resume your rants about him going back on whatever issues you opposed five minutes ago, maybe you should wait just until the guy actually starts as President before you trash him with your pocket book constitutions and demand impeachments.
